

WHEN THE WORLD WAS BURNING, WE KEPT DANCING [Dedicated to all the Silent Street Disco Gang  | 31.08.19 to 01.09.19 / Porto] Only yesterday did we took silence in the soft afternoon city air; I remember how hesitantly we started to change its mouthless void into shapes of erratic movement, slowly centrifuging, carefully leaving invisibility, leaving the unknown, recoding names back to the primordial language of life – the silence of things to come. We were strangers back then, beings just wanting to be, friends waiting for friendship to happen – we would change the world in our peculiar ways. There was shine and there was sparkle, soon a warrior torch lit by our erotic bodies in unison, in the braille-readable nakedness of our fun and frolics down the street, growing and glowing together, all a flame, skyscrapping to zenith itself, an orgasmic eruption of nowness and forever. We were one with time, eternal, wavering between passion and death, little indians, perhaps five or ten

Escola de Verão para Atores | O Diário de Bordo [22.07 a 02.08]

Capítulo #1 | A Receção [22.07.19] " Ah, for the pen of Balzac. For three days all these people, these total strangers, meet in a single train whose engine controls their destiny ". Estas foram algumas das palavras que, na versão cinematográfica de 1974, Bianchi, o diretor de linha n' O Crime do Expresso do Oriente , dirigiu suspirante a Poirot, enquanto ambos se acomodavam à table de déjeuner do luxuoso comboio Paris-Constantinopla. As palavras foram ressoando acutilantes na minha imaginação à medida que Adriel Filipe, responsável pela Produção Executiva do Teatro do Noroeste, me recebia expansivamente no Centro Social e Paroquial de Santa Maria Maior, em Viana do Castelo; minutos antes, a alguns ziguezagues de estrada à distância, havíamos reunido no café contíguo ao Teatro Sá de Miranda, com a responsável pela área «Públicos e Comunicação», Ana Reguengo, para as esperadas boas-vindas. Em simpática cavaqueira, avancei da porta para a escadaria, e da